Depending on your document’s status and the current task, you will have to take different steps to modify a document.
Note: You cannot make edits (such as text updates) to the actual file using annotation tools. You must upload a new file.
- Editing details while preparing a job for review
- Upload a new file while preparing for review
- Edit a document mid-review
- Modify a document after it’s approved
As the initiator, you can select a Content owner or Collaborator while the document is editable.
Editing details while preparing a job for review
While a document is in draft, its properties may be edited by the Initiator of the job, the assigned Content Owner, selected Collaborators, and anyone in the organization with Coordinator permissions who also has access to view the document. The details screen will appear uneditable to you if you do not have one of these roles or if the document is not in draft.
Upload an updated file while preparing a document for review
- In the Viewer, click "Upload" in the bottom toolbar.
- To upload a file, drag the file into the Viewer upload area, or click within the dotted line.
- Your new document will display in the Viewer.
- Continue preparing the document for review.
Note: When replacing a file, annotations are retained at the same x,y coordinates as the prior file. If the document layout changed, they may need to be moved for accurate placement.
Edit a document mid-review
When a document is in review, the job initiator, content owner, collaborators, and coordinators can temporarily withdraw and edit the document.
- Click on "More Actions" in the bottom right corner of the toolbar.
- If you are the job initiator, content owner, collaborator, or coordinator, you will see a menu option called Edit. Click "Edit."
- Provide a reason for the edits.
- Upload the edited file and/or edit the details and proceed with the job as you normally would.
The job will proceed as if the document received a vote outcome of Amend and Resubmit. In other words, the job will go through another circulation and the document’s minor version number will increase.
If a reviewer has already voted on a document that has been edited, they will have to vote again. If you are interested in viewing the reason for edit, you can see it in the audit trail and in the task panel for the edited version.
Modify a document after it’s approved
If you need to change anything about an approved document or its properties, you must start a new job. This can be done from the More Actions menu. The options available in the More Actions menu is configurable by customer, so you may see a variant of the options in the below screenshot. Please also note that depending on the type of job you start and your organization's SOPs, the major or minor version number may increase.
- Open the document you want to edit in the Viewer.
- Click "More Actions" in the bottom right corner of the toolbar.
- Click "New Version" or whichever job is appropriate for the changes you would like to make. The options may vary based on your permissions and the status of the document.
- Complete the required fields on the Start Job screen.
- Click "Save & Generate ID". Pepper Flow will generate a document ID.
- Click "Continue".
- To upload a file, drag the file into the Viewer upload area, or click within the dotted line. If you only need to update properties, click "carry over the existing file".
- Your file will display in the Viewer. Instructions on how to prepare the document will appear in the task panel.
- Add annotations, substantiation, or supporting material as needed. You can also import annotations from the previous version.
- Click "Details" in the bottom toolbar and fill out the required fields.
- Once complete, click "Save and close details".
- Click "Continue" in the task panel to assign tasks to your team.
- Fill out all of the required fields on the Manage Assignees screen.
- Click "Start Review".
Your job will progress to the next task. Assignee(s) will be notified that a task has been assigned to them.
Note: If an approval job is already in review, you cannot start a new approval job without canceling the in-progress job, or waiting until the in-progress job is complete.
See how it works in this video, along with other actions you can take on an approved document:
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