This article contains information specific to Documents in Pepper Flow. If you are looking for similar information about Claims, please see the Claims article.
The Audit Trail provides a timeline of important events related to a job, document, or claim in Pepper Flow.
Access a document’s Audit Trail
- In the Viewer, click "Details" in the lower left.
- In the Details overlay, click "Audit Trail".
Event overview
- Date of activities
- Document ID and job type
- Time and date of event
- Event or action
- Document version
Download Audit Trail
- In the viewer, click "Details" in the lower left.
- In the Details overlay, click "Audit Trail".
- In the bottom right corner of the screen, click "Download CSV".
Note: The date stamp included in the CSV download will be in the time zone set within your profile settings.
Events captured
- Job started
- Job status changed (In Review to Approved, for example)
- Job completed (Approved, Rejected, Canceled)
- Version deleted
- File uploaded
- Annotation added
- Annotation reply added
- Annotation resolved
- Annotation edited
- Annotation moved
- Annotation deleted
- Annotations imported
- Undo annotation import
- Substantiation or supporting material added
- Substantiation or supporting material material removed
- Job and/or document/claim detail updated
- Assignees selected
- Assignees voted
- Task completed
- An FDA submission was created that includes this document
- This document was added to an FDA submission
- This document was removed from an FDA submission
- An FDA submission was deleted that included this document
- The status of an FDA submission that includes this document has changed
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