Generate a publicly accessible URL to easily share approved content or link to it from your website.
Only users with assigned permissions can create or view a URL.
Generate or view a public URL
- Navigate to an approved document and click on “More Actions” in the bottom right toolbar.
- Users with assigned permissions will see a menu option called Get URL. Click "Get URL."
- If a URL has already been generated, skip to step 4. Otherwise, click "Create public URL."
- URL is visible and available to copy and paste.
Creation of a public URL will be recorded in the audit trail.
Please note that this URL will always display the latest approved version of a document. If there has never been an approved version of the document (for example, the only version is in Draft, Review or Scheduled state), visiting the URL will result in an error message until the document is Approved for Use.
What happens to the URL when the document is versioned or expired?
When a document has a new approved version, the URL will automatically display the new version.
When a document expires, visiting the URL will result in an error message. If the URL has been embedded as an image or video on a web page, users will see a broken image or video player. If the URL has been linked to on a web page, accessing the link will result in an error message saying that the file has expired.
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