Find documents in the Library by using the search bar or filters.
Search Library
- Click "Library" in the navigation.
- Type in your document’s name or keywords into the search bar.
- Pepper Flow will suggest search terms as you type and up to the five most relevant documents. Press enter or click "Show all results" to see all search results in the Library, sorted by relevance.
How search works
Partial word searches
Pepper Flow will display results for partial matches — no need to know an exact document name or ID. For example, a document named “VitalDX_2020” will appear in a search for “vital.”
Typeahead suggestions
Suggested searches will display beneath the search bar, alongside relevant documents. Suggestions are based on matching document titles, IDs, and other searchable fields.
Ranked results
Search results are ordered to be more relevant to you. For example, recently modified documents and documents for which you’re the content owner get a boost in your search results.
Typo tolerance & matching words
Search includes typo tolerance and matching words with the same root. For example, searching for “waked” would also return results for “walked” (typo tolerance). Searching for “walking” would return results for “walked” (matching words).
Phrase matching
To find documents that contain a specific phrase, wrap the phrase in quotes. For example, searching "vital medic" will only show documents that contain the full phrase, not documents that only contain "vital" or "medic."
Filter documents
- Click "Library" in the navigation.
- Check any of the quick filter checkboxes to narrow your search. You can also click "All Filters" to select more options that will narrow your search.
- The filtered results will display in the Library. Applied filters will appear below the Filters toolbar. Filters can be removed by clicking the "X".
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