The expiration report provides a list of all content that will expire within a specific date range. You can run this report to identify upcoming expiration dates.
Who can access this report?
Only users with the reports permission have access to the expiration report.
When should I use this report?
If you are a content owner, use this report to identify the documents that will expire in a selected date range. Coordinators can also use this report to identify which documents should have their expiration date extended.
This report does not display content that is already expired. To find already expired content, use the document details report instead.
What criteria can I choose from?
Select the date range you are interested in when running this report. The "To" field is required and indicates the furthest away date you'd like to run the report against. In most cases, the "To" date shouldn't be set more than a few months in the future, as the upcoming expirations will be the highest priority.
You can also filter by content owner.
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