Share History displays a table of all the shared content links you generated, along with the number of times a link has been viewed.
- Overview
- How we track views
- Recopy a link you generated
- Why can’t I find a new link I generated?
- Views timeline (CSV)
The following columns display in Share History:
- Link created: The date you created the link
- Shared with: The email address(es) you entered when you generated the link
- Content shared: The content you shared. Note that the link is the regular Pepper Folio link you would use to view the content, not the unique link generated for that user.
- Views: The number of times someone viewed the unique link
- Last viewed: The last time someone viewed the content. If the value is blank, no one has viewed the link yet.
- Tip: If you want to know the date/time for each time someone viewed a link, download the views timeline.
- Link status: Whether a link is active or expired
- Link expiration date: The date/time the link expired or will expire. Once a link expires, recipients who view the link will see an error message.
- Actions: Use this column to either expire or reactivate a link, depending on the link status.
If you use a device with a small screen, you may need to scroll within the table to see all columns. Click any column with a sort icon to sort by that column.
How we track views
Views are associated with the email address(es) you enter when you generate a link. However, views cannot be attributed to a specific person. We only know the number of times a link was viewed, not who specifically viewed the link.
For example, let’s say you copy a link and email it to one person. That person views the link once, then shares the link with a colleague. The colleague also views the link once. When you view the row in Share History, the original email address will appear with 2 views.
Similarly, if you click a link intended for a specific person, your view will be counted toward the other person.
Recopy a link you generated
If you would like to copy a link you generated for someone in the past, do the following:
- From Share History, find the relevant share.
- Click or tap the link in the “Content shared” column.
- Select “Actions” in the top right.
- Select “Share.”
- Re-enter the email address you shared with and select “Generate link.”
- Select “Copy.” The link will be the same as the one that was previously generated for that email.
Why can’t I find a new link I generated?
If you expected to find a link at the top of the Share History table, but it’s not there, it’s possible that you generated a link for the same content and the same person/people in the past. If that’s the case, any information about the link, such as views, will be grouped with the previous share.
Note that when you generate a link, the modal will display a message to let you know if you shared the same content with the same person/people in the past.
Views timeline (CSV)
If you would like to see a timeline of each view, navigate to Share History and in the top right, select “Download views timeline (CSV).” You will download a CSV that contains the following columns:
- View date and time (UTC): The date and time the view occurred
- Generated for: The email address you entered when you generated the link
- Content viewed (name): The name that appears in the Viewer header
- Content viewed (URL): The Pepper Folio link for the content (not the unique link you generated for the recipient)
- Version viewed: The version of the content the recipient viewed. Use this column if you would like to know whether the version changed in between views.
- Status viewed: Whether the link was active or expired when someone tried to view it
- File name: The name of the actual file. You can see this if you download a piece of content. Because recipients cannot download files, they will not see the file name.
- Region: The region for which the content was originally approved for in Pepper Flow
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