Note: If your organization does not use dashboards, reference reports.
The Pepper Insights dashboard includes a set of visualizations which present your organization’s operational metrics in an intuitive way.
All times, such as date and timestamps within extracts or dates supplied in filters, are in UTC timezone. Source data included in the dashboard is refreshed at regular intervals at least once per day. Data in the dashboards may be up to 25 hours old.
Description by visualization
Visualization | Description |
# Jobs Approved |
Avg Job Duration (days) |
Avg Circulations/Job |
Avg Review Duration |
Avg Incorporating Feedback Duration |
Average Job Duration by Document Subtype |
Review Duration by Document Subtype |
Review Duration Detail |
Average Review Duration by Review Group |
Average vs Maximum Review Cycle Duration |
Average Circulations by Document Subtype |
Incorporating Feedback Duration by Document Subtype |
Key terminology
Here are definitions for common Pepper Flow terms to help you understand your data.
Circulation: A circulation is the number of times a Document goes through review before a Job is complete. For example:
- Each time a final vote is amend and resubmit, a new circulation begins. Amend and progress and amend and return votes do not begin a new circulation.
- Each time someone decides to edit a Job before all votes are cast, a new circulation begins.
- Incorporate feedback: The incorporate feedback task occurs each time a Job is voted amend and progress, amend and resubmit, or amend and return.
Review time: Review time is the amount of time a Job was in review across all circulations. More specifically,
- Review time begins when a Job moves to the first review task. Usually, this is when the first reviewers can cast their votes.
- Review time does not include property update tasks and instructional tasks.
- Review time ends when the Job moves from a review task to a different task. In most cases, this means the Job moved to incorporating feedback or the Job was completed.
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