The Jobs board provides an overview of all jobs in progress and recently completed jobs. By default, the Jobs board is filtered to display tasks assigned to you. When you remove all filters, the Jobs board displays all jobs you have permissions to see. Applying filters creates a unique URL, which you can use to create a browser bookmark to save your preferred Jobs board view(s).
Job card
The Jobs board is made up of individual job cards. Each card provides details about an individual job.
- Document name
- Document ID (version number)
- Job type | task
- Assignees completing the current task. Anyone who has voted appears with a dot representing their vote selection.
- Geography
- Assigned date. This is the date the task first became available for the assignees to complete.
- Due date. When a job is overdue, the due date is highlighted in red.
Jobs board columns
As a job progresses through its tasks, its corresponding job card will move to the appropriate column.
Jobs board column |
Definition |
Starting |
The job has some properties completed, and the document has an ID. No file has been uploaded into the system. |
Preparing |
The document has been uploaded. The content owner, initiator, and/or collaborators are filling in properties, adding supporting documents, and selecting assignees. |
Reviewing |
Assignees are voting and completing other job-related tasks. During vote tasks, assignees who voted have a circle on their avatar representing their vote. |
Completed |
The job has been approved, rejected, or canceled. 10 jobs are shown by default with the option to "show more". |
Quick filters
Use quick filters to find jobs relevant to you.
- "Assigned to me": Jobs in which you have a task assigned. An orange bookmark on a card indicates an assigned task.
- "Initiated by me": Jobs you started
- "Owned by me": Jobs for a document for which you are the content owner
- "Collaborated on by me": Jobs for which you’re a collaborator
All filters
Click "All filters" to find jobs based on other information.
- Status
- "Overdue": Jobs that have missed their due date
- "Assigned 5+ days ago": Jobs with a task that has been available but incomplete for 5 days or longer
- Document type
- Region
- Content owner
By default, cards on the Jobs board are sorted by the date a task was assigned, from oldest to newest. You can change the sort order by selecting another option in the dropdown.
Use the search bar in the top right to find jobs by document name or ID.
One thing to keep in mind, if you’re searching for a completed job: This feature only searches visible jobs. Since the completed column only loads the first 10 cards, any cards beyond that will not appear in search results, unless you’ve loaded more cards by clicking “Show more.”
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