Securely deliver Pepper Flow-approved content to your downstream systems with the Vodori API
The Vodori API is a GraphQL-based interface that allows you to query for document information and binary files from Pepper Flow.
Our team will work with you to help you get started and provide you with application credentials to retrieve an access token.
Request Document Properties
Request document properties for one or multiple documents, up to 1000 in one request. The API generates schemas based on each customer’s configuration, so the properties you can request will always include those specific to your company.
You can also query for audits captured when a document transitions to a new lifecycle state.
View or Download Documents
Enable the ability to view or download an approved document by requesting a link for that document. Each link expires after 15 minutes.
Request Document Thumbnails (R1-2, November 2022)
Request a link to a document thumbnail to surface in your consuming application. Thumbnails are available in small and medium sizes, and each link expires after 15 minutes.
Filter and Sort
When you make a request, use filters and sort to specify the documents you would like and the order in which they should be received. For example, you can request all approved PDFs created for patients, sorted by the date they were created. Or, you may use filters to request all documents that have had a lifecycle or property change within a given time frame (R1-3, February 2023).
You can also filter and sort audit data requests.
Like our Pepper Cloud products, the Vodori API is validated and compliant with GxP guidelines. Your CSM can provide documentation to help you complete the validation process.
Learn More
Contact your CSM for a quick start guide, technical specifications, and how to start using the Vodori API.
System Maintenance
- May 24, 2022: System Change Memo and Validation Documentation
- November 8, 2022: System Change Memo and Validation Documentation
- February 21, 2023: System Change Memo and Validation Documentation
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